Spirit Flight Log

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The flight log for the Great Planes 2M Spirit details  the location and duration of each flight along with some comments about the weather and other flight conditions.

Date Location Duration Comments
10/9/2001 New Zealand, Auckland at the Mt Wellington Slope. 55 First flight after rebuild. (Crashed and burned on first winch launch) Trimmed out the plane in beautiful sunny conditions with increasing lift. The Spirit looks great with transparent 2M red wings ...easy landing in the volcanic crater behind the slope.
10/9/2001 Mt Wellington slope. 45 Huge thermals with the biggest problem getting the plane down. Speced out twice in massive lift. The 2M Spirit is a great performer for a moderately priced beginners floater.
2/1/2002 Auckland, New Zealand

Ambury Park

25 Lots of launches on the Bungee  One flight of about 25 minutes after catching a thermal from quite low level ...