Hong Kong

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Soar Home Hong Kong HLG Sessions           



Lantau Island Hong Kong...Dec 1999

Flew the DAW 1-26 HLG today on the west side of Lantau. Light winds to start with but the thermals really rolled in around noon. Specked out about 3 times and had lots of nice 'catches' after 30 minute plus flights. The 1-26 really is a great plane for flying around rocky steep slopes (it bounces) and thermals surprisingly well.

I can 'smell' a thermal ....

DAW 1-26 HLG - Took these pictures while I was flying ... if you look carefully you can see the tip of the antenna in the bottom of the picture

Yep ...there's that thermal !!

The 1-26 really fly's well in light air  ...minutes after taking this picture it was just a spec in the sky and stayed up there for about 30 minutes.

The bottom of our western slope....it's a long walk down !

The white spec is the 1-26 heading back  for a landing after a 30 minute 'high altitude flight'.

Cruising around the 'bowl'

Just cruising around the bowl on the west slope.  You can 'ride' the ridge you can see in the background all day with just a light westerly.


Tuesday 7th December 1999, Lantau Island Hong Kong.....Had a good flying session up at the Northern end of Lantau Island. It was worth the 45 minute tramp as there was a good northerly blowing. I flew the Angel for the first time with the 2M wings. Great lift but not enough rudder so switched back to the 1.5 M wings and had a blast. Matt got some more air time with the 1-26 2M ....wow that things sensitive on the sticks !!

...Come on ....just biff it !!

Launching the DAW 1-26 2M  - Ready, set .....Go !

Wow ....so it does fly !!

Going, going ......gone !!

Just one more flight !!

One more launch before darkness ......

Found it .....told you that torch would come in handy !

.......darkness !!