RC Gliding Links

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Home Pages

RC Glider Page. This is a pretty cool glider page that is also based in Hong Kong. Good content and well put together with an excellent photo's section
JVB's RC Soaring Page This site is great. The author just loves RC Soaring and it shows in his writing. Make sure you check out the 'Fun places to fly HLG' section.
RC Sailplanes Excellent site absolutely crammed with information about starting out with RC Sailplanes.
RC Soaring Guide You will spend hours just trying to get through all the info on this site. Well written and easy to follow. Also has a review of the DAW TG3 I mentioned on my In the beginning page.
Silent Sling Interesting site for those flying in the East Asia region. Lots of good multimedia and pics
DAW 1-26 Hand Launch Glider Here's a site just about the 1-26 if any of you are considering buying and flying one.

Commercial Pages

Daves Aircraft Works Makers of great foamies for beginners and everyone else ...check it out !
DJ Aerotech Makers of HLG's including the Chrysalis which is suitable for beginners. Lots of general information on HLG as well.
Canterbury Sailplanes New Zealand These guys make the Jazz Extreme which is one awsome flying wing. It's also cheap if you have $US dollars !!

Hardware Manufacturers ....radios, servos and accessories

Futaba Futaba make radios and servos and other accessories
Hitec Online Hitec manufacture radios, servos and other accessories