Matt & Graeme's RC Glider Site

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In the Beginning !!
Latest Gliding Pics
RC Gliding Links
Matt's Designs
Glider Reviews


Welcome to our RC Glider site  .... if you are considering RC Gliders as a hobby or you are already completely addicted  then soar around our site for a while and check out the pictures, links, plane reviews and Matts freely downloadable designs.

We are currently building a couple of 2M Spirits to fly on Aucklands wild West Coast out for some great flying photos from this coastal area. 

Drop us an email anytime ....

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(Click on the pictures for full size.....)

Flying at Sunset ...

RC Gliding ...the ultimate in RC Flying

The DAW 1-26, excellent up on the slope in light winds

My DAW 1-26 ...Perfect for flying those rocky   ridges and surfing the  thermals.

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Nothing like a naked bird to get you going ....check out the DJ Aerotech Chrysalis Review

Gotcha ...!!

Hand catching the Chrysalis HLG.

The Jazz Extreme Flying Wing Review

The new Jazz Extreme Flying Wing review from Canterbury Sailplanes in New Zealand

Last Updated....

 11 th Nov 2001

What's New...

The Jazz Extreme Flying Wing Review and update

Flight Logs showing just how much fun you can have with a relatively cheap RC Glider

DAW 1-26 HLG Review

DJ Aerotech Chrysalis Review

Comming Soon ....

The Great Planes Spirit Building and Flying Pics

Site Overview...

Here's a bit of a site overview so browse around and drop us an email some time if you have any interesting flying stories or comments.

First of all there  is a link that describes 'The Beginning'   and should help other people getting into RC Gliders.

You can also check out the compulsory pic's of our flying sessions and I promise we will not leave out the wreckage !!

I will also add regularly to the links page in the hope of making it a reasonable resource for other novice flyers trying to figure out why building hours out-number flying hours. Actually I know the answer to that a foamie !!

Also take a look at Matt's Designs. There are free designs and plans to download ...the only rule is send Matt a picture of the finished plane and an email on how it flew !!



Have a question about RC Gliders or just want to keep up with the latest news about this fascinating hobby ?    Then you should join the Radio Control Soaring Exchange. This is a very active news group with members who are more than willing to help you with any questions you may have.  You can check out the message list at  Radio Control Soaring Exchange or send "subscribe" and "unsubscribe" requests to


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